

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Body Pump on steroids

K, so last night I went to this class called Step and Strength.  Oh My Goodness!  This was ridiculous!  I was dripping sweat and I am already getting sore today.  It was a combo of body pump, pilates, and a step class.  I'm just so bummed it's only one day a week at 4:30pm - super hard to make it due to work schedule :(

After that, I got home and C wasn't feeling well, so we went on a walk to try to get him moving.  3 miles later, he's still feeling poopy, so that's no bueno.  That 3.5 miles took us for-ev-er!  It was like we were walking backwards.  It was the pace he needed to go at, but it was definitely unusual for us to just stroooooollllll like that.

During our walk, I realized how truly and completely screwed I am for Tough Mudder.  I am so scared guys!  I know I'm going to do it, and I know it's going to hurt like whoa, I just wish I knew I could do it in less than like, 6 hours!  I am no where near where I need to be.  I still can't run a mile without back pain, my breathing abilities are still amazingly limited, and my upper arm strength is nil.  I know I still have a month and a half - but this is going to be the hardest month and a half ever!

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