

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Have you seen my motivation lately??

So, I have had zero motivation to go the gym.  Yesterday I was parked in the parking lot after physical therapy, ready to go in, only to discover I forgot my headphones.  I turned around and went home.  today, I worked from home.  I had no reason not to go.  I did video workouts instead.  Now, I'm glad I worked out, and I worked up a sweat, but I should have gone to the gym.  Tough Mudder is a mere 4 months away.  If I don't start getting my rear in gear I am screeeeeewed!  I haven't tried running again, but my goal is to do it Friday.  Hopefully after having 2 days of PT this week, it will go ok.

So, now that I've beaten myself up, I have to say, I am a big fan of FitSugar.com.  You play one video and if you leave it, it will start another one right after!  You have just enough time to pee real quick or go refill your water bottle and then it gets you started again.  They're all about 10 minute videos so it's totally doable and next thing you know, an hour has gone by!  They do get kind of repetitive, but it's splitting up similar motions over several videos so you get to make sure you really work those muscles. There was one, the runner's crunch - holy cow!!!  There's also this leg video I have pinned and it kills!  It's definitely a hurt so good.

Katie, if I can run in July, I will totally do the color run with you :)  We should do a sleep over and a carb fest the night before!  Make it a bit more of a group thing then the Christmas Carol Classic was.  I was we'd seen more of you!  Liz saved my but during that run...  It would be fun to do one with the three of us really together.

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