

Monday, November 5, 2012

Nada Nada Enchilada... :(

So, after breaking in to Week 3 on Monday, I have since failed to do anything else productive.  I didn't run Tuesday to ward off the dreaded shin splints, which apparently the only thing I can do to avoid them is stop running - not an option - or find some gravel or grass to run on.  Problem!  I'm hoping just running every other day will do it...  We'll have to see.  Anywho, didn't run Wednesday either since it was Halloween and I was in zombie makeup and I didn't feel like it.  I was planning on running Thursday during the day before my flight, but the best laid plans of mice and men aft gan aglay.  Another plan that went astray - running while back in the Bend.  Took all my gear, even had the opportunity, but instead chose to watch C's older brother work out, rather than doing it myself.  3 deer were along the back of the property and had the same idea.  I think they were watching him run stairs and hop the retaining wall for at least 5 minutes!  Then, I was going to run today since our flight got in mid-afternoon and I'd have plenty of time.  Things just did not work out that way.  C is sick - caught a cold or something in the Bend - and trying to get out of the airport was a trip.  C & one of his brothers got stuck in an elevator and I was left with 5 bags and a crazy 4, almost 5 year old who still acts like she's 3.  She also decided that she had to pee while it was still just the two of us.  Girls, I have to tell you, it was a sight!  I'm rolling/pushing/pulling 5 large rollie bags with this obnoxious little whiny child dancing alongside going "Peeeeeeeeeeee!" and me reassuring her by chanting, "You can do it!  you can make!  Just hold it!" over and over and over.  Did I mention I like this niece least?  She would be the same one that pooped on the floor when C and I first started dating...

So, long story short - I was a lazy bum.  I didn't even do the 4 minute power workout from Pinterest.  Grade for this week - solid F.  Sad day.

On a better note - we woooooooooon!  We are 9-0 baby!  Can we say luck?  Yeah, that's all we had on Saturday....

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