

Monday, October 22, 2012

"curfews" suck!

So, we're on week 2, day 1 of the program and it went pretty well.  There were def some points when I was sucking air, wondering when I got to walk again, but other than that, life was good.  I had some nice Zen moments when I just totally zoned out and realized, oh hey, this is actually fun!  Who knew?  I was ready to do 2 days in one, but then I noticed the sun was getting pretty close to set, so I had to get on home.  Which brings me to the title of this blog.

Dear bad guys, go away!  I should be able to run until just after dark if I want to without worrying about being abducted and cut in to bits.  This is not Detroit, this is not downtown NY, this is not Gary, IN.  I should be safe running around my own neighborhood!  But nooo!  The CO creepers have to step it up a notch these days and try to abduct everyone from little boys, to little girls, to 20-30 something women, making sure no one is safe!  How can I train outside in the winter time if I can't run outside without looking over my shoulder every 5 minutes?!  I am almost 30, I should not have a dusk curfew!  So thank you Creeper McCreeperson for ruining my Zen moments.  I blame you, I shame you, and I hope they pull out your toenails when they catch you.

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